Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm not dead yet!

So it's been, what, a measly 10 months since I updated this thing?


Anyway in that period of time I managed to:

1. Get into a MBA program.
2. Move out of state.
3. Quit my job.
4. Watch an amazing cancer recovery that my mother-in-law went through.
5. Get nothing modeling or painting done. At all. :)

But! Now that I'm settled in, I'm going to try to do a little bit of painting every week. Most likely no one reads this thing anymore so I'm doing these updates more for myself I suppose than anything, but it should be fun.

So picking up where I left off, I think I will be finishing up my Champions next. Let's see if I can still remember how to paint their skin...


Scott said...

Yay for getting back to painting! I'm gonna miss our throwdowns, but I'm looking forward to seeing new painting pics from you.

Da Troll said...

Yea, me too...I loved our matches...hopefully I'll be out that way sometime in the future...I'll try to bring the Kriels out for some bashing!