Monday, March 30, 2009

Champions starting point...

So, as promised here is the starting point of the two champions I'll be working on. As you can see, the skin isn't that great, but it should be good for tabletop quality. Also, I'm planning on doing the armor with metallics since I don't want to attempt NMM at this point, especially not for the entire unit.

More later this week I hope. I've got a busy schedule this week, but I'm determined to finish at least one.

P.S. Changed the blog format template to a new one. How does it look? Or should I go back to the original template? The other one I liked is the one Brokenzealot uses, but I didn't want to completely rip him off. :D

The fixed width definitely seems to make the posts easier to set up with pictures!


Nixon said...

Nice to see you working on the trolls again.
I like the look of your new blog.


Da Troll said...

Thanks Nicolai! I'm hoping to crank out a bunch this summer, and finally finish off all my trolls.