Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Grim Angus 95% Done

Ok, I know, I've been really bad about updating the blog with progress on my trolls. Sadly, the reason is that I just haven't made much at all lately. As some of my readers may know, I've been slammed with work and school.

For work I have to set up a whole new engineering team in the US and Taiwan. School sees me getting close to taking the GMAT exam. Anyway, all that in short = BLARG!

BUT! The bright news is that I'm now 95% done with painting Grim now! Woo! All that's left is his tartan, which I'm still undecided on how I want to paint it, and touching up a couple of boo-boos on his gun (there's a slightly messy highlight on the top of the scope that you can see in the closeup of the scope). I like his green goggles, the NMM work on his guns, and his pants and shirt.

Also, I managed to get a couple of Winsor Newton Series 7 brushes via a super sale online that Broken Zealot spotted and alerted me to. They would normally have sold for over $50, but I got them for only $20. As I understand, these are the Ferrari's of the mini paint brush world. Yea, ok that's super geeky, but whatever. :) I'm excited about using them sometime soon instead of the old GW brushes I've been using.

Back to Grim, here are some more pics of him as he is today (click to enlarge):


Nixon said...

If you haven’t been using W&S 7 yet, your in for a whole new experience, but beware there is no turning back!
Great work on Grim!
Please check out my blog for a pic. of my newly paintet Grissel Bloodsong.


Scott said...

Damn! Grim is looking really great. I dunno which is better at this point... your paint job on him or your command of him on the battle field. Both are quite impressive!