Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Two battle reports's number two...

The first game was with Broken Zealot, and was a blast to play through. We both also learned a lot of rules. The second game was with the Legion of Everblight player, but since it was super short I'll go over that one first.

Battle 1: Trolls vs. Everblight 350pts.

I had about 20 minutes to kill and so we played a quick 350pt. game. I took Doomshaper, a Mauler, an Axer, and Impaler, and a Fell Caller. He had Thagrosh, two Carniveans, and a Shredder. Basically, I went for the turn 2 kill. I had Doomshaper move up and cast Acursed on Thagrosh, doing only a little damage due to poor rolls. He pops his feat and has two fury left on him. Then I had my Mauler through Rage on the Impaler, and then throw the Impaler toward Thagrosh. What I should have done though was throw him AT Thagrosh, thus knocking them both down. Oh well.

Instead, I walked my Fell Caller over, stood the Impaler up and then had the Impaler beat down on Thagrosh. Unfortunately, due to my bad dice rolling (need only average to below average rolls on the two attacks to kill him) Thagrosh had 5hp left. So then I had the Axer charge Thagrosh, needing an 8 to hit, I miss with a 7. Doh. The Axer would have most likely killed him since he was doing straight damage and only needed to roll a 5+ on two dice. What I should have done too, was move the Fell Caller into melee with the Carnivean, speed bumping him for a turn so that he couldn't charge Doomshaper. You make dumb mistakes while playing under a super time crunch.

Next turn, two Carniveans charge Doomshaper and kill him. Once again I forget to roll my tough roll. Grr. Thagrosh lives with 2hp (took 3 damage from the feat). Oh well. The smart thing to do if I had more time to stick around, would have been to instead have the Fell Caller charge and kill the Shredder that was in melee with the Impaler. Then use the Impaler to spear slam the front Carnivean into the back one (they were lined up nicely). If no crit slam happened, the Axer could still slam the Carnivean. And if he missed, the Mauler could have too. Then Doomshaper could cast Acursed on both Carniveans, taking them both out of the battle for a turn (no movement or action after standing up). Then it would have just been a mop up the third turn, where everything just charges Thagrosh and beats him down.

I'm confident this plan would have worked, had I had the time to implement it. Sadly, by the time it got to my turn, I had to go in like 5 minutes, so wouldn't have time for my third turn. Anyway if we play again, I'm pretty confident against his chosen list. It's all about slamming those big beasts out of the way and smashing Thagrosh, who is really squishy compared to the Menoth guys I'm normally facing. If only my dice didn't suck today, it would have been a cool move.

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