Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Amazing battle against Amon ad-Raza

Wow. I had a great game tonight. Probably one of the most interesting thus far for me, as Broken Zealot (EDIT: his excellent summary located here) took a pretty neat warcaster, Amon ad-Raza. There were models getting knocked around left and right on both sides, with huge rolls and horrible misses by both of us too. Made for a really exciting and bloody game. On the last turn I only had Doomshaper, a Blitzer and a Fell Caller. He only had a Devout, the choir and Amon.

The Fell Caller actually did some useful things this game! He killed a paladin, some choir, and most importantly he made my warbeasts stand up after getting knocked around by the sandblasts coming out of the arc node. I think the difference this game was I really made an effort to hold him back as long as possible, and only use him to mop up injured units.

Doomshaper once again gets the MVP for throwing around tons of Accursed spells on things, doing quite a bit of damage and shutting down warjack actions on several turns. Other than Doomshaper though, most of my units were fairly useful tonight. The Impaler sacrificed himself for the greater good, with a courageous (and incredibly damaging) charge into a Castigator, the Mauler helped a lot with casting his animus on folks, and I actually used the Blitzer's animus to get him out of melee! I needed to regroup one turn, and the animus actually helped him avoid some free strikes so he could move away unmolested.

The only guys who didn't do much were the KSB and crew. They died pretty quickly to a few sandstorm blasts early on.

At first we tried to play some steamroller 3 scenarios, but gave them up quickly at the end of the first turn since it was clear that it was impossible for me to win since I was too slow. The scenario objective was to hold two points on the field at the end of your turn to win. Even though I ran full speed toward one point, I couldn't get there before Broken Zealot would get his second turn and hold both points. We ended up switching the scenario to Pendulum, and the game came down to the normal caster kill. I probably need to rethink my list in terms of tournament scenario viability, but for this Saturday's tournament I'm stuck with what I've got.

I'm really kind of disappointed with the quality of the Privateer Press scenarios, as they don't seem very well thought through, and definitely favor extremely fast armies. Broken Zealot pointed out that it would have been much better if you had to hold those points for an entire round, not just have an instant win situation, and I'd definitely have to agree. All the GW scenarios I've played have similar requirements.

Overall though, a very enjoyable game, though it ran a bit long. We didn't finish until 9pm, which is pretty late for us. Hopefully he didn't get in trouble with his wife!

1 comment:

Scott said...

This was such an amazing game! Definately in the top 5 most fun games of WM/Hordes I've played yet. Amon is still sore from Doomshaper's feat round. 14 damage on 5d3 is just outrageous! I can't wait for the rematch!