Thursday, March 8, 2007

In your face sucka! (Well, his face anyway...)

Started his face today. It's coming a long decently, though I'm really having problems with the pink gums and tongue. For the gums I tried starting with Red Gore, and painted over that Blood Red.

Problem is, the black primer makes the red looks really dark.
So I tried the tongue, with a mix of 1/3 Blood Red and 2/3 white, but it just looks too pink now. I'm thinking maybe if I try to add some more blood red to the pink tongue and blend that in that maybe it will be the right tone. I'm also wondering if a really watered down flesh wash might do the trick, as it's actually pretty reddish-brown when watered down.

Also, the teeth really need a ton of thin coats to cover up the black. I'll have to keep working on those later, my hands were just getting too shaky toward the end of this painting session.

The facial skin I think is coming along pretty nicely though, which is definitely a plus. It looks a lot better in person where you can't see all these small errors magnified like 20X though.

The good thing though with these huge sized pics is that I can see exactly where and what I need to touch up and also what to leave as is.

Here's a pic of the left side of his face. It's a lot more rough than the right side, which is why I wanted to snap a picture of it. That way I can see the problems blown up and fix them the next time I paint.

I'll need to deepen the shadows, and the crevices, and also clean up the blending here.

Lastly, I'll need to blend his teeth with more brown toward the roots, and more white toward the ends. I'm really dreading this part because the teeth are so darn small. Especially his molars, which are currently only black (haven't even tried base coating them yet.

Anyway, things are moving along smoothly and I'm pretty positive I can have him finished up by the end of this weekend. Or at least, everything except the super fine detailing and cleanup I'll undoubtably have to do after I photograph the "final" paintjob.

Till next time!

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